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Join us as we set off on this expedition.Climbing it is a difficult endeavor that calls for certain equipment, physical training, and cautious planning. The journey includes ascending via several camps, trekking to base camp, and acclimating to the high altitude. The benefits of reaching the top make all the dangers worthwhile. Risks associated with the trip include avalanches, altitude sickness, and severe weather.
At 8,8848 meters, Mount
Everest is not only the world's highest peak but also a representation of
perseverance. It is the world's greatest challenge for mountaineers. High
physical and mental stamina are needed for the Everest expedition trek, which
also calls for careful planning and an unwavering will to ascend.
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Your Guide and Team : Your guide, from your arrival in Kathmandu until your departure, is responsible for the success of your trip and oversees your team. Do not hesitate to ask him questions, respect his position as the team leader, and above all follow his advice! Often your guide is the only English-speaking member of the team. In the mountains and, especially when during high-altitude travels, your guide is responsible for the safety of the group. The instructions he gives and the remarks he makes to all participants must be carefully followed. The interest and safety of the trekking group must be preserved, even when it may be to the detriment of an individual member of the group.
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